Where are you based?

Straps Of London is based in London, U.K

I want to contact you. How can I get to you?

No worries! We are directly contactable through our contact us page or at straps.of.london@icloud.com

I emailed customer service, how long will it take them to respond?

For email, expect a response within 24 hours from our representatives. Our representatives are available Monday-Friday.

Will you restock sold out items?

Some items are restocked every now and then. However, some of our items are very exclusive and may not be restocked after being sold out. We advise you to keep an eye on our social media pages and sign up for the newsletter to receive notifications about these restocks.




How do I track my order?
Once your payment is finalised and your order has been processed, you will receive automatically information about your order.


Hey! I haven’t received my order yet, what shall I do?
Please just contact our team 
straps.of.london@icloud.com. He is more than happy to update you on your order and the estimated delivery date.


Hey my item has arrived damaged, what now?
Again just contact us at 
straps.of.london@icloud.com and we will immediately resolve your issues.



Click here for all information on returns & refunds 


What payment methods do you accept?
We accept secure payment through Paypal and accept all major credit and debit cards through our secure payment gateway, we also offer Apple Pay.

What about Western Union or bank transfers?
Sorry, we don’t accept Western Union or bank transfers.